Red Modeling

Under Construction

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Malifaux; Never Borne Battle Group

Well, those few followers I have may have noticed that I have not kept up on my weekly updates.  I was hoping by doing weekly updates it would generate more discussion, but that has not changed, and putting together weekly updates take considerable time.  I will continue to update things regularly as I finish projects and write up a few articles, but until more discussion happens on a regular basis, the weekly stuff will be put on hold for a while.  In addition to this change, I have also added a feedback page and changed some things up for my commission pricing to more accurately reflect the interaction and effort I have and put into my clients projects....nuff of the technical stuff, lets get to some pictures.

So a several weeks ago, a friend from the gaming store I use to hang out at before I moved asked me if I would be interested in painting up some Malifaux, we talked about some ideas and through some numbers around and eventually I ended up with the commission.  What really interested me about this commission is the rich character of the figures that Wyrd produces.  Each model is unique and has some really life to them, in addition Josh, the client, wanted the basing of the figures to represent a "child's nightmare" this presented some interesting challenges from a painting and basing standpoint.

One of the things that I really tried to do on this commission is to work with and use color to provide the shadow and highlight to all the models, in addition I wanted to keep my pallet very limited so that the battle group would have a cohesive look to them, lastly I knew I needed to keep things dark, and shadowy, yet retain the vividness that we have all had from time to time with our dreams and nightmares, so that meant things needed to be painted with high contrast.

So to start things off here is the first of the figures to show.  His name is "Lord Chompy Bits".  When I first pulled this mini out of the box, and I saw the post of the arms, I immediately knew that I needed blood, but I didn't just want painted blood, I wanted it too look wet, and fresh, something that could be very scary to a little child.  I started researching blood effects and found an interesting technique that uses UHU Glue, and Tamyia Clear Red.  I really love the effect and I am very happy with the results!

The other figures were all painted in similar colors and fashions, some received an additional degree of semi-gloss after the dull coat, and others did not,it was all dependent on the effect I was going for.  These guys were a ton of fun to paint, and I am looking forward to doing more Malifaux again in the future!

Here is a sample of a few of the pieces;